The kneejerk assumption is going to be that I’m talking about Noble Romance. Sadly, I’m not. However, if you’d like to hear about the latest shenanigans, you may want to pop over and check out In the meantime, everything remains static here in Sporkland. Except…it really doesn’t.
The most triumphant feeling a writer knows is that of typing the words “The End” at the bottom of a manuscript, slapping that sucker onto an email, and firing it off to a publisher. While it shouldn’t generally take me three months to finish a story (an unheard-of amount of time for me to produce a new work), between school, work, and stuff n’ thangs happening in my world, it just so happened to shake out that way this time. Hopefully the next one will come quicker. Even so, I finally remembered that feeling of satisfaction that only authors know, of writing something you know is good and that the general public is going to enjoy. I remembered that not all of being an author is wrangling over contract terms with publishing reps who seem to fall somewhere on a spectrum between moron and Satan…or maybe Emperor Palpatine.
And I remembered why I do what I do, why I love it so much, and why my obituary is equally likely to proclaim my death while finishing my latest novel or in the midst of bedding 21-year-old Australian redheaded gymnast triplets at age 108.
At a quarter after midnight this morning, I wrapped up a new short entitled “A Demon For Dinner,” a lesbian BBW paranormal romance with an HFN…and a sequel already in the works! *sigh* (What is it with preternatural beings that I can’t seem to write a one-off and call it a day? >.< Oh, well…that’s a writer’s mind for you. No sense kvetching about it.) This one’s not really a deviation for me, but more of a reimagining of sorts. With so many different veins of folklore available to tap regarding demons, I was able to find one to explore that doesn’t tread on works available elsewhere where someone may decide to make an issue of it. Even better, I was able to more deeply explore some body image ideas and concepts that have been bothering me for quite some time.
It’s early days yet, and the contract is probably some weeks away from hitting my inbox, but I have been informally advised that a release date is on the books in the near future. And knowing how long it’s been since I’ve given my readers a taste of anything new from the writing end, I thought today would be a perfect time. So, with that in mind, here’s the unedited, completely unofficial blurb for “A Demon For Dinner,” coming SOON from Changeling Press!
Now that Earth and Hades have finally gotten past their six-thousand-year estrangement, the powers that be in both dimensions think it would be a marvelous idea to have an exchange program. Of course, neither side is exactly under siege with requests to play host to the other species, so the hosts are determined by lottery.
Joanne Strickland is alarmed when her name comes up, paired with a demon named Mafelor. But, determined to be a gracious host, she does as much research as she can manage on her new roomie, turning up nothing. What she could never expect is that when Mafelor arrives at her door, the demon proves to be a supernaturally beautiful woman.
Mafelor is immediately taken with Joanne, whose snippy attitude troubles her until she figures out that her physical guise has placed Joanne’s ego squarely on the endangered species list. Now Mafelor’s concern with learning all she can about humankind takes a backseat to showing Joanne where her real beauty lies…and just how desirable Mafelor finds her human host.
I’m off, everyone…lots more to do coming from your friendly neighborhood spork-wielding maniac. And it’s all got to happen before August 26th, when I return to SUU and a 25-credit-hour schedule!
Until next time,
J.S. Wayne