Some astute readers who have gone to All Romance E-books seeking my work in the last few days will undoubtedly have noticed that all Noble Romance offerings have been taken down. This is because I sent a DMCA takedown notice advising them that Noble Romance no longer has contractual rights to my work and therefore continue to profit off them unlawfully. Early this afternoon, I was advised by that they are in the process of removing my work published through Noble Romance as well. As these DMCA acceptance notices come in, I will keep you, my readers, advised.
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*Image used here under Creative Commons 2.0 licensing. If you enjoy it, please visit the original website by clicking the image above.
Shockingly to absolutely no one with two functioning brain cells who has been following this matter, Noble has refused to comply with the DMCA takedown notice they received. In addition, they are now ignoring all correspondence from me. Last week I gave Noble Romance Publishing and its CEO, Jean Marc Gombart, until the 28th to take down my works and issue reversion of rights letters, as well as to acknowledge my contractually supported demands in writing. I have made it abundantly clear that failure to comply would result in a lawsuit in a court of appropriate jurisdiction as described in my contracts with Noble Romance Publishing. As of now, I have yet to receive any reply, which is par for the course.
Yes, I am well aware that they are still eight days out from what I told them. Yes, unlike them, I intend to honor my end if they comply with the demands issued to this point. However, at this point I have resigned myself to the fact that I will be forced to file suit and go to Atlanta, Georgia in the service of reclaiming my intellectual property, at great personal expense and inconvenience. Once again, I ask my readers not to purchase my work from Noble Romance Publishing, either through their own site or elsewhere, and instead to consider checking out my work with Changeling Press, Black Velvet Seductions, and Cleis Press until this matter is resolved.
I do have publishers in mind for my current body of work with Noble and the sequels I have in progress for same, and will be submitting to these publishers immediately upon reversion of rights letters being received. In the interim, please know that I value all my readers greatly and look forward to giving you a much higher-caliber end product with reputable publishers in the very near future. Your patience and support is much appreciated, and I hope soon to be able to reward it with finished products that reflect the care I put into crafting these stories for your entertainment.
In the meantime, I am off to do some intensive preparation for the coming school year. Since math is far from my forte, this will take some dedicated study and practice. I look forward to having more news to share with all my readers soon.
Oh. For those who recall that I submitted an academic paper to the Journal of Popular Romance Studies, I just received a politely worded rejection notice. I should be more upset about that than I am, but I knew I was aiming high when I did it. Maybe next time, right? Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view. There’s always another chance.
Until next time,
J.S. Wayne
Image may be NSFW.
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