The Spork-Wielding Maniac is dragging ass today, folks! Been a long 36 hours around here, but it’s been SO worth it.
First off, I have a really cool contest to announce! This month, I’m a featured contest author at Coffee Time Romance & More, and I’m running a contest through the month of July. It’s open internationally, and the prizes up for grabs? Well, I think they’re pretty cool, and I hope you do too!
*$25 gift certificate to an online book site (site TBD)
*A FREE copy of “Even Groomsmen Get The Blues!”
All you have to do is go to and scroll down until you see my name. Then look to the right and click the link to enter to win! Doesn’t get any easier than that, right? CTR will announce the winner at the end of July, and I’ll get you hooked up with the goodies!
Second, Coffee Time Romance & More’s Book Lovers Unite discussion group on G+ will be holding their first Authors’ Roundtable the weekend of the 13th-15th. Here’s the blurb for that:
Coffee Time Romance & More is proud to present what we hope is only the first of many Authors’ Roundtables, featuring authors from across the spectrum of romance publishing. From the light and sweet to the down and dirty, authors like J.S. Wayne will be discussing various topics in the realm of romance and answering all the questions you always wanted to ask about everything from their inspirations for love scenes to plot development to the daily routine of a writer. Be sure to come by the weekend of July 13th-15th for fun, surprises, and the chance to learn new things about some of your favorite established authors and meet exciting new up-and-comers!
So swing by and don’t miss the party!
Third: I got word today that my financial aid is in the process of final approval, and the last gap in my schedule has been filled. 25 credits coming into the new school year…yeesh! But you know what? If this works, it’s going to be SO worth it…and I’m going to feel like a ninja from Krypton at the end of it all. (Well, after I sleep for about a week…) Looked at my books today, though. Based on some spitball calculations, I can realistically expect to drop between $600 and $800 just on books for the semester. I tell ya, those bad boys ain’t cheap, so pretty please, bounce over to and pick up a copy of “Even Groomsmen Get The Blues” so this starving college student can afford them! (And yes, I’m well aware that last sentence was hopelessly ungrammatical. Note to any revisionistas who might be reading this: Cope.)
Let’s see here. Did I forget anything?
Hmm…possibly. I’m sure it’ll hit me at 3am, as such things tend to do. But I think I hit the high points.
I’m off for today, y’all…time for a little R&R. Catch up with y’all soon!
Until next time,
J.S. Wayne