I asked, and you answered!
Out of 23 responses overall, the overwhelming winning concept was futuristic MFM menage with magick and an evil magician/nobleperson. I was quite pleased to see that the winning heat level was thermonuclear. (I DO so hate to disappoint…) Winners were chosen from the majority pool, using a pair of ten-sided gaming dice as the randomizer.
And the winner of the 2013 Choose My Story contest is…
CASSI R.!!!!
Cassi wanted to read a story including futuristic MFM menage with a thermonuclear heat level, magick, and an evil magician using a hapless alien race for their own ends. Luckily, I have just the thing in my back pocket…stay tuned for details!
Cassi, I will be in touch by email with your prizes no later than the 6th of January. You’ve won a $20 gift card to Changeling Press and a $20 Amazon gift card!
Thank you very much to everyone who participated, shared, Tweeted, Facebooked, and otherwise passed this around. I’m deeply grateful to all of you and hope you enjoy what I’m bringing this next round! (And, for those whose concepts didn’t win, take heart…I’m saving the responses for future reference, so just because you didn’t win this time around, it doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t see YOURS in the near future!;)
I wish each and every one of you a safe and happy 2014, and all the joy and prosperity 2013 seemed to lack. Slainte, salud, skoal, cheers, and bottoms up, y’all!