When I found out my good friend A.R. Von had a new book coming out, I was pleased to offer her a spot here at the bar. After all, she’s one of the writers in the forthcoming WOCA anthology Everyday Angels, and she’s a really, really good author to boot! I could say a lot more…but I’m going to turn the mic over and let her tell you herself.
Ladies and gentlemen:
pulls you into destiny’s path, what can be done other than to accept and submit
to it.
always just remain a memory? Being a rare creature such as her with exceptional
beauty and rarity of existence should be enough. Though, all she wants is her desire, her
destiny… To be with a man—one man.
human form and become a Lady to be with the man she craves?
light and peace. He is drawn to it again and again, and his feelings grow with
every encounter. He carries a dark secret that he wishes never existed. The only
thing that truly brings light upon his existence is the beauty that warms his
heart but seems to only exist in his head—with dreams and visions of a magical
woman, full of heartwarming light.
able to lighten the weight and share his dark secret with another…?
killing off what makes the world a beautiful place to live in. Enter a world of
fantasy and dreams, passions and temptations. A world where dragons, unicorns,
magic and mermaids really do exist. A world where love WILL conquer all!
To be released January 2014.
A.R. was born and raised in Bronx, NY and is the oldest daughter of two
girls. She holds an Associate’s Degree in Computer Science and Information
Technology, which was only briefly used. She’s a mother of two entertaining
teen boys (as well as a lovely fawn Chihuahua, whom she considers her furry
daughter.) She’s also a wife to a delightfully handsome and amazingly funny
man-beast. She loves anything dragon and fantasy related. In her free time she
enjoys exercising, writing, listening to music, hiking, cooking,
dancing and reading. She also loves a great adventure in and out of a book!
She writes to free her mind of its constant
wondering and clutter. She thrives on the fact she can share some of it with
readers that have the same passion for a great story.
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