Now that the little ghouls and goblins have retired their costumes for another year, the last hulls of what used to be whimsical or frightening Jack o’lanterns have found their way into the garbage or the compost heap, and the first blast of winter has hit Southern Utah, things are busier (and crazier) than ever in the Land O’ Sporks! I’ve been promising this update for nearly a week, and things keep going a little (okay, a lot) sideways, but I finally managed to carve out some time to keep y’all up to date. So, here goes:
First, I have been asked to MC an open mic poetry event every Thursday at 7pm at Main Street Books here in Cedar City. This is going to be very exciting, because I’m looking forward to getting to meet a lot of great writers in the area and hearing some excellent poetry! If you’re in the Cedar City area and need something to do on the 7th, 14th, or 21st of November or the 5th, 12th, or 19th of December, come on by and lay down some lines!
Second, I have thrown my hat into the ring for consideration as historian of the Alpha Eta Nu chapter of Sigma Tau Delta. This is going to keep me even busier than my usual frenetic pace, but I think it’s going to be well worth it for the things this chapter has to offer the writing community of Southern Utah University and Cedar City. I’ll keep y’all posted on this as things develop.
Third, “My Antarctica” is slated to drop November 21st, 2013 from Changeling Press! I’ll be posting an excerpt in the Available Works section as soon as it’s cleared by the powers that be, and Tuesday I’ll be starting a contest to win a copy on Release Day. So stay tuned for that!
Fourth, The Gael and the Goddess, my first category-length novel with Changeling, is on track to be wrapped up this weekend and sent off for editing. The contract has already been inked and Gael is slated for release on January 25th, 2013, so keep watching for more on that as well!
Fifth, and by no means least important, the second anthology for Writing Out Child Abuse is now open for submissions! That will be ongoing until January 15th. For more information and specifications, click here. We’d love to have you! The title of the anthology is Everyday Angels, so if you need a theme or a prompt, maybe that’ll shake something loose.
With finals upon us, NaNoWriMo in full swing, the submissions call for WOCA, and finishing up the semester and my current roster of work, it’s shaping up to be an epic month…but it’s going to be SO worth it! In the meantime, though, I’ve gotta call it a night. Going to be hard to keep up if I don’t get some sleep, right?
Until next time,
J.S. Wayne