In celebration of the holiday season and as a thank you to all my readers, new and old, I’m offering YOU the chance to tell me what you want me to write next! Just go to this link:
Click here to take survey
and speak your mind! The most votes get the booty, and I’ll be choosing random winners to give away some great stuff to.
Grand Prize (depends on number of entries): $20 gift certificates to Amazon AND Changeling Press
First Prize (depends on number of entries): $20 gift certificate to Changeling Press
Second Prize (depends on number of entries): TWO books of the winner’s choice from my Changeling Press backlist
Third Prize (depends on number of entries): ONE book of the winner’s choice from my Changeling Press backlist

Please share, Tweet, Facebook, and forward this on to all your reading peeps. I can’t wait to see what YOU want me to write, so pass it on!
Until next time,
J.S. Wayne