Due to a series of unfortunate events, I’ve been away from the computer again. Between Internet woes, the passing of my uncle, and getting started with school again, along with various personal whosits, it’s been an interesting time. Now I’m looking forward to some nice, uneventful boredom…and I have to add, I’m not the least bit sorry to see this summer gone! Maybe next year will be better.
Still, I’m not here to cry in my beer or throw a pity party. No, today’s a day to celebrate! First, it’s Labor Day, which means another glorious few hours before I have to return to the workaday school schedule. (And believe you me, it’s work!) Second, I got some cover art last week that I’m really excited about. Marteeka Karland did the cover for my latest release, “Sock It To Me,” and I LOVE it!
This story was particularly fun because I got to just pretty much go mad for a while. I think it’s a hilarious story with a lot of humor (and, because it’s me, you KNOW there’s going to be snark AND smex involved! ) So if you like Faeries, hot interracial couples, and fun, funky urban fantasy, this one’s for you.
Mark your calendar for Release Day on the 6th, and be sure to keep watching right here for more goodies, surprises, excerpts, and fun from truly yours!
In the meantime, I’m off. I’m going to be a college kid for a day and kook out on video games for a while!
Until next time,
J.S. Wayne